- It is required to register as a user with the DREAMS online booking system before using the facilities in DREAMS.
- User should be trained by technical staffs designated by the DREAMS and be clear about the safety issues and operation procedure of the equipment.
- Only the specific authorized user is allowed to use the facilities in DREAMS.
- Permission for using the requested equipment will be valid for a period designated by the DREAMS.
- Authorized users should use the online booking system of DREAMS and abide to the rules of booking of the equipment.
- Some equipment are allowed for borrowing, please contact the staff for more detail.
- Authorized users should sign the logbooks as appropriate.
- Authorized users should ensure that the equipment is clean and in good working order after use.
- If users do not show up for their reservations, they will receive a no-show warning with credit point deduction. Other misbehaviors will also receive credit point deduction. Once the point reaches to -30, users will be suspended for using any equipment in DREAMS for at least 15 days.
- The supervisor should inform the user about the University’s safety and environment policies, as well as safety statements, standards and procedures related to the user’s experiment. The supervisor should also inform the user of any potential hazards and safety precautions.
- The user will be charged for consumables and other running cost of the equipment.
- The cost of repair due to misuse of the equipment will be charged to the user’s supervisor.
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